The Myths About Spray Foam Insulation

spray foam

Spray foam scares homeowners more than it should, due to a number of myths that have arisen around the product. Some are based on legitimate issues, but others stem from skewed perceptions or outright misinformation.

Whether you’re trying to save money or reduce carbon emissions, it makes sense to install spray foam insulation. Unlike other types of insulation, spray polyurethane foam (SPF) resists energy loss and air movement, helping to keep your conditioned air in and the outside air out.

Open and closed cell spray foam both offer top-notch insulating properties, but they differ in R-Value and density. Open cell spray foam, also known as half pound foam, has an R-Value between 3.6 and 4.5 per inch of thickness. Closed cell foam, on the other hand, has a higher R-Value of about 7 per inch. This is mainly due to the internal structure, which is different between the two. Closed cell foam is more dense than open cell foam. This is similar to how whipped cream is thicker or thinner depending on how much air is added.

Spray Foam Wonders: Transforming Your Home with the Power of Insulation

Spray foam insulation is created when two liquid chemicals meet, typically isocyanate and polyol resin. Held in separate hoppers or tanks and transported by gas pressure or a liquid, these chemicals travel through a spray hose to a spray gun where they are sprayed together and atomized into tiny droplets of varying sizes. The chemicals then react to form an insulation solution that fills every nook and cranny.

Advanced Seal Spray Foam Insulation
255 SW 60th Ave Pratt, KS 67124

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