If you are a new mother, you may be worried about whether or not you have postpartum depression. This can be a devastating illness that can affect the quality of your life. It is important to recognize the warning signs of this disease and seek treatment right away. Symptoms can be overwhelming, but with the help of an expert, you can find relief.
Postpartum depression is a common disorder that affects one in seven women within a year of giving birth. However, most people are unaware of the symptoms and do not seek treatment. Luckily, there are ways to recognize postpartum depression early, which can help reduce its effects.
One of the first symptoms that you should watch out for is the inability to sleep. This can be a normal reaction to the stresses of giving birth. In addition, it is not always the sign of postpartum depression. There are other things to consider, such as how you feel during the day and your appetite. When you are suffering from postpartum depression, you may not feel like eating, even if you are hungry. You might also feel like sleeping for hours on end.
Another symptom is having trouble concentrating on daily tasks. Your attention may be occupied by thoughts of harming yourself or your baby. These thoughts can be dangerous, so call your doctor if you notice these signs.
Other warning signs of postpartum depression include constant worrying about not being a good mom and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed. Sometimes, the depression is so intense that it prevents you from getting out of bed. The symptoms can also interfere with your ability to enjoy your baby and your partner.
A common sign of postpartum depression is a loss of interest in hobbies and favorite foods. Losing interest in these activities is normal, but it can be a symptom of PPD if you continue to lose interest in them. Many mothers also report that they are no longer able to bond with their baby.
Another symptom of postpartum depression is frequent mood swings. Having mood swings can be normal, but if they are extreme, it could be a sign of PPD. Mood swings can come and go, but if they become severe, you should consult with your doctor immediately.
If you have ever suffered from depression, you are more likely to develop it again. Studies have shown that your risk increases by 70 percent if you have had a previous depressive episode. Some doctors recommend regular screening for depression in pregnant women. Symptoms of postpartum depression can be treated with antidepressants and therapy.
Women with postpartum depression may also experience other symptoms, such as crying spells, trouble falling asleep, or eating problems. They may also experience frequent worries about their child’s health, and a tendency to focus on their child’s needs. As a result, they may find it difficult to make decisions.
Women who are experiencing severe symptoms of postpartum depression should get medical attention as soon as possible. Some signs that you might be experiencing a serious case of postpartum depression are: recurrent thoughts of death, violent behavior, thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby, and uncontrollable emotions.